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What Exactly Is An Employment History?

Oct 10

A person's employment history includes the companies they have worked for, the positions they have had, the duration of those occupations, and even the compensation they have gotten. A thorough employment history may sometimes be requested during the job verification process.


What Information Does My Work History Contain?

  • Companies that I worked with
  • Positions' names
  • Dates of employment are mentioned
  • A wage or other kind of payment

What Role Does Work Experience Play?

A thorough employment history may tell you a lot about the background of a prospective employee. When reviewing a person's employment history, watch out for items like:

  • Intermissions between occupations
  • Temporary assignments (less than a year)
  • Inequalities in pay scales

While the applicant may have given all of the aforementioned questions completely acceptable replies, things like these might also be a warning sign that the applicant is not committed to or enthusiastic about their work. Above all, a complete career history acts as the last assurance of a person's qualifications and experience.


How to Get Your Work History:

There are many ways to get your whole work history.


Take advantage of your tax returns

One of the simplest ways to put together your employment history is to use your tax records. You already have all the data you need to maintain an exhaustive record of their job since most people save copies of their tax returns for a few years.


Make contact with your state's tax agency

In many states, the state tax authority may provide you access to your whole employment history. Of course, this approach won't work if you moved from one state to another within the relevant timeframe. Your state can ask you to complete a request form before giving you access to your data. Remember that the state's records may be limited in terms of how far back they go and how complete the employment information is.


Send the Social Security Administration a request for information

Since your Social Security number is used to monitor Social Security payments made from your income, you may receive your employment history from the Social Security Administration. Whichever option you choose, this will cost you $34 or $91. (certified or non-certified). Please complete this form to submit your request.


Talk to your old employers

If you can't locate all you need regarding previous jobs, you may get in touch with the employers and ask for a record of your time there. Most businesses keep records of information about previous workers for situations like these.